Epinard au gratin

Catherine de Medici, queen of france and earlier princess of florence, introduced the use of spinach in the french classical cooking. Although she was married to Henry II of france, She got all of the florentine influences with her. That is why sometimes any dish which has florentine is reffered to as the dish made alongwith a bed of spinach. Here is one of the delicious and flavourful recipe made with spinach and cheese. do try, it tasted heavenly.
Epinard au gratin
Portions- 4
S. no.            Ingredients                              Quantity
1                   Spinach – picked and cleaned      500 g
2                    Butter                                           100 g
3                    Cheese – grated                           75 g
                      Salt and pepper                            To taste
1. Wash the spinach thoroughly.
2. Parboil in boiling salted water and drain thoroughly. Chop or leave whole.
3. Place over high heat with butter to dry. Add grated cheese, season and mix.
4. Place on a buttered gratin dish.
5. Sprinkle with cheese and brown in the oven or a salamander.


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