APPLE JALOUSIE (Apple Strudel)

Guten Abed!!!
Apple Strudel is a dessert whose documented recipe could be first seen in 1696.
Strudel is related to the Ottoman empire's pastry baklava, and came to Austria via Turkish to Hungarian and then Hungarian to Austrian cuisine.
Apple strudel is considered to be the national dish of Austria along with Wiener Schnitzel and Tafelspitz.
Here's the recipe for apple strudel made with puff pastry. 
Puff Pastry.             500 gms
Apple.                       500 gms
Walnuts                    50 gms
Raisins                      50 gms
Sponge Crumbs.     200 gms
Sugar.                        100 gms
Apricot Jam.            100 gms


a)Make a filling with the apple, nuts, raisins, sponge crumbs and sugar.
b)Roll the puff pastry into a long rectangular strip.
c)Divide into 1/3 and 2/3 lengthwise.
d)The 1/3 piece use as a base and line the centre with the filling in a compact manner.
e)Brush the edges with egg wash.
f)Take the 2/3 strip, fold into two and make gashes at ½ inch intervals.
g)Drape it over the base.
h)Bake at 230 C for about 30 minutes.
i)Serve after glazing with apricot jam.
Do try this at home


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