Begun Bhaja

There are gourds, roots and tubers, leafy greens, succulent stalks, lemons and limes, green and purple aubergine, shallots, plantain, broad beans, okra, banana tree stems and flowers, green jackfruit and red pumpkins in the vegetable markets or shobji bajar. Bitter vegetables like bitter melon/gourd ("uchhe" or "korola") and nim leaves are used. Bengalis are particularly fond of using leftover bits of vegetables. 
Dish Name
Qty Unit Description
1 KG Egg plant
0.015 KG Red chilli powder
0.005 KG Turmeric powder    
0.01 KG Salt
0.02 KG Gram flour
0.5 LT Mustard oil        
0.005 KG Red chilly dry

Wash and cut the eggplant in thick slices of 1 inch each.
Sprinkle salt over the slices and leave them aside. This process will extract moisture from the brinjals.
Squeeze out the water and marinate the eggplant slices with turmeric, salt, red chilli powder and gram flour. Leave it aside for ten minutes.
Fry the slices in mustard oil till they are golden brown and crispy.
Deep fry the whole dry red chillies and place it on top of the fried eggplant slices.


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