Salade Cesar

"My salad days,
When I was green in judgment."
                -William Shakespeare
The salad's creation is generally attributed to restaurateur Caesar Cardini, an Italian immigrant who operated restaurants in Mexico and the United States. Cardini was living in San Diego but also working in Tijuana where he avoided the restrictions of Prohibition. His daughter Rosa (1928–2003) recounted that her father invented the dish when a Fourth of July 1924 rush depleted the kitchen's supplies. Cardini made do with what he had, adding the dramatic flair of the table-side tossing "by the chef." A number of Cardini's staff have said that they invented the dish.

Caesar salad
Ingredients                                             Quantity
Thick slices crusty white bread                      4
Olive oil                                                          `15 ml
Chicken breast                                                   1 no
 Large cos or romaine lettuce,                           1
(Leaves separated)
For the dressing
Garlic clove                                                        1
Anchovy                                                            2
Medium block Parmesan
Cheese for grating and shaving
Mayonnaise                                                        75 gm
White wine vinegar                                             15 ml

  1. Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C. Tear the bread into big, ragged croutons or, if you prefer, cut with a bread knife. Spread over a large baking sheet or tray and sprinkle over 2 tbsp olive oil. Rub the oil into the bread and season with a little salt if you like (sea salt crystals are best for this). Bake for 8-10 mins, turning the croutons a few times during cooking so they brown evenly.
  2. Rub chicken breasts with remaining oil, season. Place pan over a medium heat for 1 min, until hot, but not smoking. Lay the chicken on the pan (it will sizzle if it’s hot enough) and leave for 4 mins. Turn the chicken, then cook for 4 mins more. Check if it’s cooked by poking the tip of a sharp knife into the thickest part; there should be no sign of pink and juices will run clear.
  3. Bash the garlic with the flat of a knife and peel off the skin. Crush with a garlic crusher. Mash the anchovies with a fork against the side of a small bowl. Grate a handful of cheese and mix with the rest of the dressing ingredients. Season to taste. It should be the consistency of yogurt – if yours is thicker, stir in a few tsps water to thin it.   
  4.  Do try this refreshing and soothing salad at home. You can even skip the step of adding anchovies to it if you don't like it.😃😃😃😃 


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